WAPT support and resouces

Community support

Support et ressources WAPT


The forum is an exchange space dedicated to users of our solutions. Many tips and tricks can already be found on the forum, but don’t hesitate to share your questions with other users.

Support et ressources WAPT


Our documentation is freely available and will support you whenever you have the slightest question about how the software works. It’s the best way to find the solution to your problem.

Support et ressources WAPT


On our server, you’ll find lounges dedicated to our news, WAPT and Samba AD. You’ll also find free lounges to encourage exchanges!

Discover our WAPT support offerings and resources for your guidance

WAPT support

When purchasing your licenses, we recommend that you subscribe to
1 h 00 of support. This offer can be extended to include either 2 h 00 or 5 h 00 support, depending on your needs.

Without subscribing to this service, TRANQUIL IT will not be able to put you in touch with WAPT’s dedicated technicians to solve your problems.

If you encounter a problem using WAPT, please contact us.

Packages creation

Sometimes, the package creation wizard and the Setup Helpers library aren’t enough to create the package of your dreams. It’s still possible to ask us to develop this famous package for you. We’ll work with you to estimate the complexity of the project and provide you with a tailor-made quote.

Our practical information sheets

Generate a certificate

Download our practical sheet to help you with a certificate problem.

Creation of common packages

Download our handy worksheets to help you create common packages.

Check package maturity

Download our practice sheet to test your packages in PREPROD maturity.

Blind WAPT connection in case of 401 error

Download our handy form to connect to the WAPT store.

Discover WAPT independently

Discover the WAPT Store

The WAPT Store is the official repository for software packages that are developed by Tranquil IT. So all you have to do is download the package of your choice, check its compatibility with your installed base and deploy it on the workstations you want. By using the WAPT Store, you don’t even need to develop the packages you need.


Benefit from the services of a high-performance, reliable supplier

Save time with secure, centralized management of your IT assets. Remote and multi-site, use this time to refocus on high value-added tasks.

Rely on a team of experts, to meet your needs.


Group demo

17/04/2025 : 10h30 - 11h30

Let's go !