Tranquil IT and Cyberwatch interface to detect and correct vulnerabilities in Linux, Windows and MacOS environments

by | Jun 14, 2024 | News & Events

Keen to offer ever more powerful software, Tranquil IT has decided to combine its expertise with that of Cyberwatch. In the WAPT console, it is now possible to integrate the Cyberwatch solution.

Tranquil IT is proud to announce a technological partnership with Cyberwatch

This partnership follows directly from requests by common clients of Cyberwatch and Tranquil IT, who identified their complementarity and the value of a technological collaboration.

This collaboration is natural as Cyberwatch is a cybersecurity vulnerability management solution, while WAPT automates software deployment and updates across an IT network. Vulnerabilities are often remediated through patch deployment, where Cyberwatch detects vulnerabilities and WAPT assists in deploying appropriate patches.

This partnership enables the technical teams of both companies to collaborate in:

  • Displaying vulnerability information from Cyberwatch server in the WAPT console, allowing system administrators to prioritize update operations.
  • Displaying the ability to deploy an update on vulnerable equipment through the Cyberwatch web interface, provided the update exists in the WAPT Store.

The customer benefit of such integration is the ability to view information from each other’s product interfaces and trigger logical automatic actions within each product. This automation eases system administration tasks and enhances security maintenance across all teams.

Integrations between Solutions

Integration of Cyberwatch into the WAPT Console:

The integration of Cyberwatch into the WAPT console relies on the audit package “tis-cyberwatch-plugin-import-from-cyberwatch,” which needs to be deployed on an administration workstation of the WAPT solution.

The WAPT administrator will then need to configure the package with the URL of the Cyberwatch server and a valid account. The audit package will periodically query the WAPT server to retrieve the inventory of the IT fleet and send the relevant data to the Cyberwatch server via API. The Cyberwatch server analyzes this data to identify vulnerabilities and returns the results to the WAPT console via API.

The visualization of this information can then be viewed in either the WAPT console or the Cyberwatch interface.

Integration of WAPT into the Cyberwatch Console:

Firstly, the integration of WAPT into the Cyberwatch interface relies on the installation of a lightweight proxy that intercepts “HTTP hook” requests generated by Cyberwatch. It transforms these requests with the correct parameters into valid requests for WAPT to deploy system packages.

The lightweight proxy must be configured beforehand with a user token and an application token.

This setup allows the Cyberwatch solution interface to trigger package deployments within WAPT.

Discover How Our Partner Cyberwatch Supports You in Vulnerability Management:

Our partner Cyberwatch is a French software publisher specializing in vulnerability management and compliance control in IT security.

Their mission is to support businesses, government agencies, Operators of Vital Importance (OIV), and Operators of Essential Services (OSE) in reducing their IT risks through continuous analysis and relevant reports tailored to their business environment.

With over 1500 new vulnerabilities reported by authorities every month, vulnerability management is crucial for securing an information system, similar to installing antivirus software or a firewall.

Effective vulnerability management enhances your resilience against cyberattacks and improves the overall security level of your information system.

Cyberwatch Vulnerability Manager is our partner’s solution for vulnerability management, designed to help you identify vulnerabilities in your information system, prioritize them based on their exploitability and criticality to your assets.

This software provides actionable insights for addressing vulnerabilities and includes an integrated Patch Management module to schedule and deploy security patches if desired.

Furthermore, Cyberwatch products can be deployed in your network (On-Premise), with or without agents, and operate in isolated environments.

Want to Learn More?
Do you have questions about Cyberwatch or would you like a demonstration? Contact them now, their experts will get back to you within 24 hours.

Going Further with WAPT Enterprise

WAPT Enterprise is the ideal tool for quickly deploying software, conducting a comprehensive inventory of your fleet, or controlling Windows updates. Many features are also designed to simplify the administration of large IT environments. Still have doubts? You can enjoy a free one-month trial of WAPT Enterprise!


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17/04/2025 : 10h30 - 11h30

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