They’re talking about us

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Reinforcing cyber security in the workplace: Tranquil IT's solutions

Against a backdrop of growing cyber threats, Tranquil IT offers pragmatic solutions to secure and simplify the operational management of companies’ IT assets.

IT-Connect.FR blog post: WAPT Enterprise 2.0: First steps and software deployment

"Installing WAPT Enterprise on Windows Server"

How do I install WAPT on a Windows server?

IT-Connect.FR blog post: WAPT Enterprise 2.0: First steps and software deployment

"Microsoft discontinues development of WSUS for Windows Server"

As of Windows Server 2025, Microsoft will stop developing certain features, including ‘WSUS’, its update management system. Let’s take a look at this announcement.

logo WAPT fond blanc

"OS deployment made easy with WAPT".

How to configure this feature and use it to deploy an operating system across the network.

IT-Connect.FR blog post: WAPT Enterprise 2.0: First steps and software deployment

"Install WAPT 2.3 (with Active Directory authentication) for software deployment".

How to set up a WAPT 2.3 server under Debian 11 in order to be able to deploy software on workstations in a computer park.
logo WAPT fond blanc

"WAPT information upload in GLPI10 native inventory".

Focus on the use of the WAPT agent to upload workstation information to the GLPI 10 inventory.

IT-Connect.FR blog post: WAPT Enterprise 2.0: First steps and software deployment

"TRANQUILITY" management of IT assets"

Discover the interview with Vincent and Denis CARDON for the MEDEF magazine on the history of Tranquil IT.

IT-Connect.FR blog post: WAPT Enterprise 2.0: First steps and software deployment

"WAPT Enterprise 2.0: First steps and software deployment"

Want to try WAPT Enterprise? Take advantage of the tutorial to discover WAPT and to learn how to deploy your first package.

CRIP, pitch by Vincent Cardon: Manage your users, workstations and applications

"Manage your fleet of users, workstations and applications"

Vincent Cardon uses his speech at ITES to present Tranquil IT, WAPT and Samba AD.

Tranquil IT participates in the Autonomy and digital sovereignty day

"Tranquil IT participates in the Autonomy and digital sovereignty day"

Tranquil IT is one of the companies selected to represent French digital sovereignty as part of the cyber acceleration strategy. blog post: WAPT 2.0: Securing your information system

"WAPT 2.0: Securing your information system"

Take advantage of’s blog post to discover all the possibilities offered by WAPT version 2.0!

Dé blog post: Tranquil IT announces the release of WAPT 2.0

Tranquil IT announces the release of WAPT 2.0

The site dé has decided to review the news of Tranquil IT following the release of WAPT 2.0

screen article Rémi Flandrois Installation and configuration of a Samba AD server - Part 1

"Installing and configuring a Samba AD server - Part 1"

Tutorial by Rémi Flandrois to facilitate the installation and configuration of a Samba AD server.

screen article Rémi Flandrois Installation and configuration of a Samba AD server - Part 2

"Installing and configuring a Samba AD server - Part 2"

Tutorial by Rémi Flandrois to facilitate the installation and configuration of a Samba AD server.

screen article Rémi Flandrois Installation and configuration of a Samba AD server - Part 3

"Installing and configuring a Samba AD server - Part 3"

Tutorial by Rémi Flandrois to facilitate the installation and configuration of a Samba AD server.

IT Connect blog post: WAPT 2.0 is available: What's new?

WAPT 2.0 is available: What's new?

Find out more about WAPT, including the specifics of version 2.0, with the help of the IT Connect blog post!

Clubic blog post: WAPT 2.0: The secure software deployment service switches to Python 3

WAPT 2.0: The secure software deployment service switches to Python 3

Clubic looks back at the changes related to the release of WAPT 2.0, including the switch to Python 3.

BFMTV: Cybersecurity, a key issue for companies

Cybersecurity, a key issue for companies

Camille, business manager at Tranquil IT, takes advantage of her appearance on BFM Business to raise awareness of cybersecurity issues among users.

Mapping of the 300 French digital companies

"Tranquil IT joins the Play France Digital collective"

Tranquil IT is part of Play France Digital, a collective of 300 companies offering French digital solutions!


"Installing WAPT on a Windows server"

Alex Bacher shows you how to set up WAPT on a Windows server.


"Samba and the French Government"

Catalyst, publisher of Samba AD, looks back on its collaboration with Tranquil IT and the French government.

"Deploy WAPT on your computer park by GPO"

In this tutorial, Alex Bacher shows you how to deploy the WAPT agent on your entire computer park.


WAPT 1.6

The new version of WAPT: audit functionality and Windows Update management


WAPT application deployment solution

How to install WAPT version 1.5 on Windows?

"Install the WAPT 1.5 server via Tranquil IT repositories"

A tutorial on the installation of WAPT 1.5 by a blogger who is passionate about computers.

"Discovering... WAPT"

The blog of a computer enthusiast explains the use of WAPT software through his expertise in the field.

Le blog de Seboss666

"APT vs Windows Update, yes but..."

The article compares the APT updates of Debian and Windows. The author mentions WAPT as a manual software management tool.

Korben's blog

"WAPT - A software deployment tool for Windows"

Korben, the author of the blog is known to be the leader of the Internet. In this article, he explains the use of WAPT.

Web ants

"WAPT server"

A Tranquil IT employee who donates his knowledge and skills on WAPT through his personal blog.

Philippe Scoffoni

"Comparison of automated installation software for Windows Chocolatey and WAPT"

An expert in open source software solutions installed the two solutions and compared them, giving the advantages and disadvantages of each.


"Automate the installation and update of software under Windows with WAPT"

Ideozmag is a news magazine where current events are seen by citizens. The author provides feedback on WAPT.

Scoopt IT

"WAPT-Enterprise - v. l ANSSI"

A retired computer scientist uses Scoop It to disseminate information on current computer news.

Tech 2 tech

"IT security in SME"

In this article, the author explains the importance of having a secure IT infrastructure in an SME.

Bidouille IT

"Advanced administration of SAMBA 4 AD"

This is the blog of two RIR students who want to share their experience. Here, they transmit their skills to install Samba 4 AD.

Channel News

"Tranquil IT wants to convert schools to free software"

ChannelNews is an online newspaper that wrote an article about Tranquil IT and its business objectives.

Le mag IT

"The strengths and weaknesses of free software, by example"

MagIT is a website dedicated to IT information. The article talks about the Parc Naturel Régional du Vexin Français which becomes a client of Tranquil IT.

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Group demo

20/03/2025 : 10h30 - 11h30

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