Simple methods for managing your fleet
At the beginning of April 2019, the ITES (Innovation Technology European Summit) took place in Deauville. Organized by the CRIP (Club of IT Infrastructure and Production Managers) since 2013, the event brings together the various players in the IT eco-system with “innovation” as the key word.
The objective of ITES is to bring together the CIO’s and CISO’s of large French companies to discuss innovation topics and thus project themselves… The event is therefore organized around presentations from investors and keynotes from technological players.
This year, Vincent Cardon, President and Sales Director at Tranquil IT, was invited to speak at this meeting. His purpose was to highlight Tranquil IT and its flagship products Samba-AD and WAPT as well as Hexatrust, the cybersecurity groupement in which Tranquil IT is a member.

Samba Active Directory and WAPT
Tranquil IT presentation :
“Hello, I am Vincent CARDON, the President of Tranquil IT based in Nantes. I have 3 minutes to talk to you about how our two products will help you solve some of your current problems as Production IT Managers:
- consolidate your Active Directory domains to unify and better enforce your security policies
- switch to Windows10 in an expeditious, coordinated and painless manner for your users
- adopt simple, efficient and secure methodologies to manage your Windows software and configuration fleet
The first product is Samba-AD. Samba-AD is the free software implementation of Active Directory. If the 2008 functional level is suitable for some of you or your subsidiaries, Tranquil IT will provide you with very high earnings. The 2019 functional support is within reach and we are working with the Interministerial Digital Directorate and the Ministry of Finance to achieve this.
The second product is WAPT. WAPT helps your operating teams to deploy, update, delete and audit your business and office software. In its latest version, WAPT also supports Windows Updates. The software obtained the basic qualification from ANSSI in 2018 and because of that we are now signing a series of Ministries, Administrations, Vital Importance Operators for their FSS and other Essential Service Operators and Digital Service Providers, so why not you?
In summary, Samba-AD is an alternative to Microsoft AD and WAPT is an alternative to Microsoft SCCM and Microsoft WSUS. It is the combination of these two skills that makes Tranquil IT the address to check in your cybersecurity guide.
Finally, Tranquil IT will not try to sell you a better armoured door with blockchain and deep learning, with Tranquil IT you will have the tools to identify and close your open windows efficiently and simply.”

Vincent Cardon presentation – Photo credit: CRiP
Do you need to keep your computer equipment up to date?
Our relationship with Hexatrust
Tell us about Hexatrust and Hexatrust Distribution :
Hexatrust is the professional association of French and European sovereign publishers of “best of breed” cybersecurity solutions.
Hexatrust brings together about fifty publishers for a cumulative turnover of 400M €. The French administration has chosen Hexatrust to co-lead its new strategic committee for the industrial security sector, activated in anticipation of the 2024 Paris Olympic Games and the implementation of the NIS Directive in 2021 or 2022.
Hexatrust Distribution is the commercial port of the Hexatrust association. You can imagine it as a “one stop shop” to enable you to supply complete and consistent sets of sovereign cyber security solutions.
Tranquil IT is a member of Hexatrust and we meet the cybersecurity needs of companies and administrations with our Active Directory and WAPT offers, which allow you to update your software, your OS and your configurations on all of your workstations, no matter the size.