Customer case



How do you manage a computer park remotely?
Interview with Maxime Raselinary, head of user relations who manages the Hotline and Cyril Michard, technician in the micro section. Both work for SDIS 77 (Seine et Marne).


The SDIS 77 is composed of:

  • 61 fire and rescue centers,
  • 8 first intervention and support centers,
  • 1 alert processing center,
  • 1 Health and Medical Rescue service,
  • 1 training center,
  • support services.

In a few numbers, SDIS 77 had 117,994 interventions in 2022, 1,068 calls received daily, 4,807 personnel, and 69 fire stations.
The IT infrastructure comprises 4,500 users and 1,800 PCs.

Remote management of IT assets with WAPT

1,800 jobs administered


69 barracks


30 IT team members

Problems encountered:

Lack of fleet management speed

  • Before using WAPT, the IT team connected to each PC to install the software. This was a cumbersome and restrictive system, as an appointment had to be made with each user. It was very complicated to manage a computer park remotely.
  • Another problem was that they couldn’t do remote distribution, even though they wanted to do package creation to enable them to manage the IT estate. “Application harmonization (updates) didn’t have any follow-up.” Sometimes, several versions of an application were installed on workstations, with users installing what they wanted. The team kept track with Excel spreadsheets.After testing other solutions that were more complex to install, Maxime Raselinary found that WAPT enabled him to better manage his IT assets.


There’s nothing like it, and it’s a relief for our technicians.
Users have gained autonomy thanks to selfservice. All this reduces the number of calls to the IT department.
Cyril Michard, SDIS 77

Technicien micro

What WAPT has done for SDIS 77

Maxime first took part in WAPT training with one of our technicians at SDIS 95. Following this, they decided to try out WAPT Discovery and finally opted for the Enterprise version, seduced by the extensive WAPT store.

The team was a bit apprehensive, as none of them knew Python, but in the end they quickly got the hang of it. Today, the team is independent and proficient in Python, thanks in no small part to support.

When WAPT was set up, they carried out a test phase with WAPT Discovery, which was deployed on around fifty workstations. The implementation went very smoothly, thanks to the support provided. However, when WAPT Enterprise was deployed, the team had to undergo further training to understand the product.

Estimated gains using WAPT

For two and a half years now, SDIS 77 has been using WAPT. The software is used daily by 7 people in the IT department who are specialized in micro.

WAPT has made it possible to gain visibility over the entire IT estate by launching easy queries, so there’s no need to search everywhere in Excel or GLPI tables. They go directly through WAPT and have complete centralization. “It’s not even comparable: before, we installed applications one by one on each PC. Now we install the application on all our fleets in one click once the package has been verified. We have all the information immediately” Cyril confides. Now the technicians are autonomous in terms of user needs.

Estimated gains using WAPT

Video feedback

Some of our customers have agreed to talk about their experience in pictures.

Find them in the dedicated Youtube playlist:




Group demo

17/04/2025 : 10h30 - 11h30

Let's go !