Customer case



How to deploy software and applications silently on a computer park?

We explain through the case of Johann LECLERCQ, CIO of the DRAC Pays de la Loire: infrastructure, issues, needs, use and gains with WAPT.


DRAC des Pays de la Loire is made up of 5 different sites (one per department). Johann is therefore unable to update his applications manually, as this would be too time-consuming. The default deployment solution used by the Ministry of Culture was OCS Inventory NG, coupled with GLPI, but after a few years of use Johann didn’t find the solution efficient enough.

What’s more, it was too cumbersome to use and not easy to learn, so Johann was looking for another solution.


140 jobs administered


5 locations


1 sysadmin

Problems encountered

  • Johann couldn’t keep his application park up to date because he had to do it manually.
  • The Ministry of Culture’s default deployment solution is OCS Inventory NG was coupled with GLPI, not efficient enough.


Unlike other IT services companies, Tranquil IT is committed to providing its customers with the best possible support.
even beyond the initial specifications. This quickly makes all the difference to the quality of our services.
Johann Leclercq

IT manager, DRAC Pays de la Loire, French Ministry of Culture

What WAPT has done for DRAC des Pays de la Loire

  • 1 happy system and network administrator
  • 5 sites homogeneous and updated
  • 140 users freed from update requests
  • A secure park

Finally, it can be said that Johann LECLERCQ and his team are now equipped to deploy software and applications silently thanks to WAPT.


Estimated gains using WAPT

Easy to use: using WAPT is made very easy by the use of a centralized management console This console then enables you to supervise your entire fleet and perform all necessary actions from one machine.

Fast package design: With WAPT, Johann was able to make his packages simply. No more need to use the editor for simple packages. So we trained him in python for package creation, and Johann can be autonomous on the development and deployment of packages of all kinds.

Few deployment limits: WAPT deploys scripts written in python, enabling Johann to deploy not only software but also configurations. He can now parameterize his software before deploying it to homogenize his fleet and comply with his security standards.

Estimated gains using WAPT

Video feedback

Some of our customers have agreed to share their experience in pictures. Find them in the dedicated playlist on Youtube:







Group demo

17/04/2025 : 10h30 - 11h30

Let's go !