Customer case
Perform a migration with SAMBA-AD on an obsolete infrastructure in an Administration.
A look back at this experience.
Presentation and issues
As the SAMBA-AD infrastructure was becoming obsolete, the structure called on Tranquil IT to support them in managing the migration in complete security due to a lack of time and skills in-house.
Aside from the obvious security issues, more concrete problems arose, such as the impossibility of considering migrating customers to Windows 11 without updating the SAMBA-AD.

350 jobs administered

4 sites

2 people to manage the infrastructure

270 users every day
We want to be free to make our own choices. We want to keep our data.
Free software has always been favoured in our Administration.
Why choose Tranquil IT?
Faced with the American Microsoft, the Administration turned to the SAMBA-AD solution after doing some research.
After responding to the request, they decided to work with Tranquil IT for several reasons:
- To be free to make their own choices
- Guarding and protecting private data
- Affordable price
- Working with open source software for Government
So many criteria that Tranquil IT was able to meet to work in collaboration with the Administration. A team effort that went off without a hitch.
Perform a migration
The client consulted Tranquil IT’s documentation, in order to make the right choices during implementation.
What SAMBA-AD has brought to the structure
The solution implemented enabled us to respond perfectly to the customer’s needs as quickly as possible. Already convinced by SAMBA-AD, the local authority is pleased to be able to continue using the solution in its latest version, while increasing the level of security and overall functionality.
Estimated gains using SAMBA-AD
- Gained security thanks in particular to the latest version of SAMBA-AD
- Full integration of clients into the AD
- Working with an Opensource solution, while keeping data confidential
Estimated gains using Samba-AD