MeetUp: A get together between System Admins

by | Mar 7, 2019 | News & Events

Sharing, Chatting, and Snacking

The Tranquil IT team wanted to build connections with its clients and bring together its user community. But how to achieve this? We finally decided that meeting face-to-face and putting faces to all these names would be ideal! Honestly, at the moment, we don’t all know each other yet!

So, we’ve set up regular meetups aimed at system administrators and other IT managers. And we’ve named it: Adminsys Meetup! Pretty catchy, right?!

But First, What’s a MeetUp?

A MeetUp is a rather informal gathering of people with common interests. Blablabla… Anyway, for us, it’s mainly an opportunity to regularly bring together our community. Whether they are clients, forum users, or even undecided individuals. Depending on the occasion, the event will last several hours or a full day, over breakfast or during happy hour, in Nantes or elsewhere. The format will also vary from session to session! So, feel free to share your suggestions in the comments of this article: themes, activities, or even meeting locations!

The Adminsys Meetup is the perfect way to interact with developers, technicians, and other software users. It’s also an opportunity to expand your network and discuss your projects. Therefore, it’s a unique chance to come together around a common theme and share your desires and suggestions for the future.

To go directly to the summary and photos of the various meetings of the Adminsys, click on the one you want:

#1 : Le 1er Rendez-vous des AdminSys

Courant mars 2019, notre bébé WAPT Enterprise a eu un an et sa version 1.7 est sortie. Ainsi, pour l’aider à fêter sa première bougie, on a lancé notre première matinée de meetup le jeudi 28 mars 2019 à Nantes. Et nous sommes plutôt contents de dire que c’était une réussite !

From Rennes to Toulouse, including Poitiers, about twenty people joined us at Hypercube, specialists in VR animation. Starting at 9 AM, breakfast was served while awaiting all the guests. Between a croissant and a coffee, Hubert, our lead developer, briefly presented WAPT Enterprise and its latest features. Once everyone was informed and well-fed, we concluded the morning with Virtual Reality experiences. In fact, we took advantage of this first MeetUp to interview some of the most loyal WAPT users. Here are the results:

Thank you once again to all the participants for their presence and good spirits. We also take this opportunity to congratulate once more the winners of the various VR challenges, and we hope the trophies are already proudly displayed on the mantelpiece!

#2: Spotlight on Samba AD!

On Wednesday, June 12th, the 2nd edition of the Adminsys Meetup took place. This time, we gathered in Paris at the Cap Digital space! Among loyal clients and secret admirers, it was a great opportunity to highlight Active Directory, specifically Samba AD. To make this event even more special, we had the privilege of welcoming the lead developers of Samba, all the way from New Zealand!

The afternoon was structured around 4 main conferences:

  • “Migrating 170 Samba3-NT4 domains” by Denis CARDON, CEO of Tranquil IT.
  • “Samba: The unexpected!” by Andrew BARTLETT and Garming SAM, Samba AD developers at Catalyst in New Zealand.
  • “Complementarity between WAPT and Samba AD” by Simon FONTENEAU, WAPT expert at Tranquil IT.
  • “Migrating to Samba Active Directory” by Philip RICHARDSON, System and Network Manager at Bruxelles Formation.

The meetup concluded with a cocktail hour featuring flavors from our Nantes region. It was a truly friendly moment of exchanges and networking.


#3: Samba and WAPT: Security, Ease, Tranquility

Like a Tour de France, after Nantes and Paris, the next stop took place in Toulouse, the beautiful Pink City. It was on October 17th that part of the Tranquil IT team welcomed around sixty participants at the Ô Local space, along the Canal du Midi. The afternoon unfolded in three main parts: the Samba AD section, the WAPT section, and a time for exchange and networking over an apéritif.

Denis CARDON, Technical Director at Tranquil IT, kicked off the event with a presentation on Samba Active Directory titled: “Migrating 170 Samba3 domains to SambaAD”. He then handed over to Jérôme COLOMBET from CNRS, who shared his experience with the software since 2013. After a break for refreshments, our WAPT expert, Simon FONTENEAU, took the stage to discuss our flagship IT management solution. The afternoon of conferences concluded with a testimonial from Pierre COSSON and Jean-Jérôme SOUEIX from Inserm, who discussed the needs, expectations, and desired perspectives before implementing WAPT in their organization. The last part of the day provided an opportunity for networking over apéritifs.

This event in Toulouse also marked the announcement of a partnership with Data Expertise. They have become a reseller of WAPT Enterprise in Occitanie. If you are interested in becoming a software reseller in your region, visit our contact page.


Group demo

17/04/2025 : 10h30 - 11h30

Let's go !