France 2030: Hexagone

The birth of the project

The French government launched France 2030 in 2021, a project to accelerate the transformation of “key sectors of the economy for innovation” and thus position France as a leading player.
This is how the Hexagone project came into being. This ambition was born out of the need to offer users a reliable alternative to Microsoft tools. In line with this shared vision, a consortium was formed to develop a collaborative platform together.


The players involved in this project

Tranquil IT
Tranquil IT, based in Nantes, France, solves our customers’ desire for greater cyber-resilience and protection against software vulnerabilities and misconfigurations with 2 products, WAPT and Samba-AD.

Proposes a collaborative tool accessible to all through a French suite. It’s a reliable, sovereign and secure alternative to Office 365 and Google Workspace. The company is committed to campaigning for digital sovereignty in response to GAFAM.


It is involved in the project as a French hosting provider, accredited by ANSSI. It thus provides a secure service.


It’s the open source messaging and collaboration solution in France and Europe. A complete messaging solution for everyday work, with complementary messaging, calendar and directory/address book tools.


The platform offers features to facilitate collaborative editing with the organization of information with the possibility of complete customization of its user interface. Office tools (document, spreadsheet, presentation) created by the Xwiki editor are included in the collaborative suite.

Belledonne Communications

With Linphone offers an Open Source software for secure telephony and videoconferencing included in the platform for instant communication.


By 2025, a Zero-trust version of the suite has been announced. Intended for projects and services that need to handle particularly sensitive data, it is based on technology from Bordeaux startup PARSEC.

What is Tranquil IT’s role in the project?

Tranquil IT is responsible for implementing SSO (Single Sign-on) for the future platform, so that users can log in securely with a unique identifier.

Sharing common values

This project is above all a shared adventure.

A consortium of 7 companies advocating a shared goal in favor of digital sovereignty.

This project has been designed to meet users’ needs while preserving enhanced security, and developing a solution that can fully compete with GAFAM.

At Tranquil IT we wanted to take part in this project to support the initiative and this cause that concerns us all.

Migrate and track your package deployments with WAPT


Group demo

17/04/2025 : 10h30 - 11h30

Let's go !