Extending the life of our equipment?

At a time of general awareness about the impact of our lifestyles affecting the environment in which we live. Can the change continue by modifying the way we use IT equipment in the workplace?

The digital world today

We spend around 7 hours in front of our screen every day, as many minutes as good reasons to take care of this tool. “70% of companies use a computer for at least 5 years. 24% use them for 7 years or more. “*

There is indeed a tendency to change equipment altogether when it performs less well, when some more responsible intermediate solutions are available. “The recent ADEME survey showed that around 78% of the digital industry’s carbon footprint comes from the entire equipment life cycle. If we don’t change things, by 2040 digital will be responsible for 24 million tonnes of carbon equivalent, or around 7% of France’s emissions, compared with 2% today.”*



And at Tranquil IT, how are things going?

It’s true that at Tranquil IT this approach is particularly close to our hearts, and our way of participating in this approach is to provide our customers with a solution that facilitates the management of their IT assets to gain in performance.

WAPT makes it easy to keep an IT estate up to date, thanks to centralized console management. The solution enables you to remotely and regularly install operating system and software updates to ensure the security and smooth running of your machines. Updates often correct bugs and security flaws, while improving the overall performance of your hardware.

As far as our in-house IT equipment is concerned, we take great care in maintaining it. 5 years and 4 months, is the average age of our machines within the company. All our IT tools come from a responsible approach thanks to computer reconditioning, we make a valuable contribution to CO2reduction.

In order to visualize the state of the batteries of your computer park, a package (tis-audit-battery) is available on our store to check the wear of your batteries, a “health” value in percentage can be integrated to your console.

Discover the package available on our WAPT store

Extending the lifespan of IT equipment has beneficial effects on long-term greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. It also contributes to the development of the circular economy, and tends towards digital sobriety. So before you completely change a device, alternative solutions exist.

* Soluxions numériques – Alain de Fooz – PC lifespan: Five years in 70% of companies / La Tribune – Emmanuelle Hose – Digital sobriety: what if we started by extending the lifespan of our hardware and software?


Group demo

17/04/2025 : 10h30 - 11h30

Let's go !