Digital Women’s Day

by | Apr 18, 2019 | Life of the company

For close to 3 years, Amélie has been one of the few women employed at Tranquil IT, but she is above all the only woman in the company’s technical support department. On the occasion of the 7th edition of the Digital Women’s Day, we are meeting with Amélie, a system administrator at Tranquil IT.

To start off Amélie, can you tell us about your academic career?

I started with a Bac L, then I went on to a BTS SIO (Computer Services for Organisations) option SISR (Infrastructure, Systems and Network Solutions). This BTS trains you in the management of computer equipment or network administration. And then, I did a complementary year in Licence Pro Logiciels Libres (Free Software Pro Licence). I started at Tranquil IT on a work-study basis for one year before being hired on a permanent contract as a system administrator, almost 2 years ago now!


Why did you choose this job?

Already, I am obviously passionate about new technologies and the field of IT (Information Technology). In fact, I chose this sector of activity because it corresponds to what I expected from a job: permanent intellectual stimulation, freedom to work in a team or in complete autonomy, possibility of professional development, work in an office even if it requires some travel from time to time and then there is human contact too. We are in regular contact with customers, we have to be reactive but we feel useful.

Picture of Amélie for Digital Women's Day

What would you say to a girl who’s afraid to work in IT?

The IT field is accessible to both men and women, although statistics show that far fewer women work in the sector. Above all, we must not stop at preconceived ideas, it is over the prejudices of the old misanthropic hermit hiding in his office in the dark all day long (even if it still exists!). IT jobs are for everyone, we must not be discouraged by prejudices. Even though I admit that during my studies, we went from 9 girls in the first year to 5 in the second. And then, in my option, I was the only one! Development attracts more women than system administration, that is a fact.

How do you feel as a woman at Tranquil IT?

I feel good at Tranquil IT, there is no differentiation between men and women. I am valued according to my skills and knowledge and not according to my gender. And I have a varied stock of tea as the men on the team don’t drink much!

Thank you Amélie !


Group demo

23/01/2025 : 10h30 - 11h30

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