Secure and optimize your workstation with WAPT

Secure and optimize your workstation with WAPT

Secure and optimize your workstation with WAPT Managing the confidentiality, security and auditing of workstations has become crucial in companies. Poorly optimized configurations can expose vulnerabilities that can be exploited by parties outside the organization....
Secure and optimize your workstation with WAPT

FAQ WAPT 2.5 : Answers to your questions

FAQ WAPT 2.5 : Answers to your questions WAPT 2.5 has been available for several months now. In this specific FAQ, you’ll find 10 of the most frequently asked questions and comments. I have a problem with the signature certificate If you receive the error:...
Secure and optimize your workstation with WAPT

WAPT 2.0 F.A.Q. : 70 questions about WAPT

WAPT 2.0 F.A.Q. : 70 questions about WAPT A few weeks ago, we announced the release of WAPT 2.0. And we couldn’t help but organize a webinar to celebrate the release of this new version! We always design our webinars to be for everyone! So there are a lot of...
Secure and optimize your workstation with WAPT

WAPT 1.8 F.A.Q : 50 Questions about WAPT

WAPT 1.8 F.A.Q : 50 Questions about WAPT If you follow us on social media (if not, I recommend that you do!) you would have seen that we released a new version of WAPT on the 21st of January 2020! Version 1.8 is equipped with the integration of WAPT agents for Linux...

Group demo

17/04/2025 : 10h30 - 11h30

Let's go !